Keeping Staff Happy
Happy staff make for a happy park!
Your staff play a critical role in keeping your park running in Planet Coaster 2, so it’s only fair that you do your best to keep them happy!
In this guide, we’ll cover the essential needs of your staff, how Staff Morale works and some simple tips to keep your staff happy and in the job for years to come.
Staff Needs
Staff in Planet Coaster 2 have relatively simple needs, with their happiness at work chiefly focused on their level of pay and their break schedule.
As covered in our Staff guide, staff schedules can be fully customised and their level of pay set at one of three levels:
- Fair
- Low
- High
Your decisions on staff pay and schedule will have a direct impact on Staff Morale, effecting how efficiently your staff members work and possibly even driving them to quit.
Staff Morale

Staff Morale is a reflection of your staff’s happiness with their job working in your theme park. Morale is calculated at the end of each day and is affected by each staff member’s pay and breaks.
Staff morale can be:
- Very Happy
- Happy
- Content
- Unhappy
- Miserable
Working for more than 4 hours without a break will result in a reduction in Morale, as will giving them the Low pay tier. This negative impact will escalate if the situation lasts for several days and if a Staff Member is Miserable for 2 days in a row, then they will quit their job.
Morale also impacts the speed at which your staff members move and work in your park, with unhappy or miserable staff members being slower and happy or very happy staff members being faster.
You can view Staff Morale by inspecting a staff member or by opening the Staff sub-menu of the Park Management menu. Staff Morale will also be reflected in the way your staff behave, with happy staff visibly enjoying their time and unhappy staff appearing clearly morose.
How-To Keep Staff Happy
Improving your Staff Morale and keeping them happy is easy – if you have the cash to afford it:
- Increase the unhappy staff members’ pay to the High tier.
- Add breaks to the unhappy staff members’ schedule so they never work for more than 4 hours straight.
- Over time their morale will improve.
If you can’t afford to always do this for all staff, consider rotating your staff benefits between different employees. This will require additional management, but will reduce the chances of any staff quitting.